Cross Ranking in Nippon Jujitsu

Nippon Jujitsu Kai U.S.A. has developed a Cross Ranking Program, of which is endorsed by the Kokusai Aikijitsu Kai Renmei - Tokyo, Japan, for those practitioners who seek to gain valid Dan recognition in a traditional style of the Art. The procedure is simple, requiring the applicant to furnish only the appropriate documentation and Cross Ranking fees.
Nippon Jujitsu Kai U.S.A. will provide to members the opportunity to have their Black Belt registered and certified by Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA (Japanese Jujitsu Association USA) and supply the Official Menjo (Certificate) bearing the members name and Dan grade. This Menjo is printed in Kanji (Japanese Calligraphy) and bears the recipients name and Dan Grade in Japanese. All Menjos bear the seals/chops of the Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA and are personally sealed by the Senior Yudansha of the Association.
In most instances, Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA will cross rank the applicant 1  Dan Grade below the highest Dan presented for cross ranking (i.e. If you are a Sandan in another valid and recognized system of Jujitsu, Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA will usually cros rank this applicant at Nidan)(occassionally, Nippon Jujitsu Kai U.S.A. will recognize full Dan ranking, depending on the applicants style or ryu presented for cross ranking).
To apply for Cross Ranking through Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA, send a .jpg or .gif of your current Black Belt Certificate to:
Remember to include you full name, rank and mailing address in the email.
Cross ranking fees are as follows:
Shodan $100; Nidan $125; Sandan $150; Yondan $175; Godan $200; Rokudan $225
You may pay for your cross ranking via secured online payment (PayPal)


SHODAN - 1st Degree Black Belt

NIDAN - 2nd Degree Black Belt

SANDAN - 3rd Degree Black Belt

YONDAN - 4th Degree Black Belt

GODAN - 5th Degree Black Belt

ROKUDAN - 6th Degree Black Belt


Nippon Jujitsu Kai U.S.A.
Black Belt Oath
   As a Black Belt of the Nippon Jujitsu Kai, I am a representative of tradition, honor and integrity. Therefore, I vow that I will utilize my skills, talents and wisdom to benefit all I may encounter. I will relay my knowledge to those who truly desire to learn and advance. I will become a peacemaker and never an instigator in all I endeavor to do. I will bring honor, loyalty and respect to the art of Jujitsu, Nippon Jujitsu Kai, my Sensei and all Senior Yudansha.
   I will use my knowledge, talents and skills to defend the weak and innocent, women and children, and those who are not able to defend themselves. I will endeavor to increase my proficiency in the art of Jujitsu, in knowledge, technical skill and in physical application. This I vow and this I will do - I claim all of this by my honor.



Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA offers individuals who become cross ranked through our organization the opportunity to acquire recognized Instructor Certification. There are three (3) levels issued by Nippon Jujitsu Kai USA - SHIDOIN, which is the Basic Instructor Certification for those ranked between 1st to 3rd Degree Black Belt; RENSHI, which is the Intermediate Instructor Certification for those ranked between 4th and 5th Degree Black Belt; SHIHAN, which is the Advanced Instructor Certification for those ranked 6th Degree Black Belt or higher.
Each level of certification comes with a CD-Rom curriculum detailing terminology, techniques, history and othe valuable information.

SHIDOIN - 1st to 3rd Degree Black Belt $100
Includes CD-Rom curriculum (terminology, history, techniques, requirements and more)

RENSHI - 4th to 5th Degree Black Belt $125
Includes CD-Rom curriculum (requirements, techniques, history, terminology and more)

SHIHAN - 6th Degree Black Belt & Higher $150
Includes CD-Rom curriculum (techniques, terminology, history, Advanced Curriculum Manual and more)

(The Japanese Ju Jitsu Association of the United States of America)